January Check In

Happy New Year, everyone!! I know 2020 was terrible on a global scale, but it was more of a mixed bag for me. I have a new decent-paying job that I love, I have the goal of moving to New Zealand for a year in the summer of 2023, and I’ve been killing it with my financial goals. In 2020 I paid off over $3500 in debt and built my savings account from literally $0 to over $3000. That was huge!

On January 1st I still had $8,458 in credit card debt and $3350 in savings. I didn’t quite reach the goals I set for myself in the last month or two, but I’m still satisfied with my progress. I’ll be honest, I got lazy at the end of the year. I’ve been waiting for this raise and the huge back-paid check that will be coming with it, but it still hasn’t come yet due to an impasse with the teachers union and the school board. I’m glad that they’re advocating for the best compensation for everyone, but I want that check so bad!!

I asked myself a lot of questions over this winter break about my priorities, my goals, and the life I want for myself and I’ve come to a big conclusion: I want my own place. I want my own apartment with my own space where I don’t have to put clothes on and make polite conversation just to get a drink of water or a snack from the kitchen. I want to be able to leave dishes in the sink over night once in a while. I want to stop feeling like I’m in the way (trying to cook dinner while roommates are watching TV) or trying to make myself smaller so I don’t inconvenience anyone (making sure I don’t take up too much room in the kitchen, bathroom, or other shared spaces, not inviting friends over). I love my roommates and I think they’re wonderful people, I’ve just finally realized that I don’t want to talk to other people about 85% of the time. And especially if I’m looking at spending a year traveling and probably having to share accommodations often to save money, I deserve to live alone while I have the chance. So my new biggest, most highly-prioritized goal is to live alone by January 1, 2021.

That being said, I have a good thing going here. I live in a beautiful house with a huge pool and I pay a flat fee for rent, utilities, and everything combined. It’s easy on my wallet, my budget, and my peace of mind. Also, not being on a lease is a beautiful freedom. I am going to try to stick it out until summer so that I can both save money and get some more use out of the gorgeous pool, but my biggest priority will be paying off my highest balance credit card. If I can get that $200 bill out of my budget every month, that should cover most of the difference of having to pay for a 1 bedroom place and internet and utilities by myself. That way instead of adding extra expenses, I should come out pretty close to breaking even. With the stimulus check coming (and crossing my fingers for another one), my eventual raise, and having the entire summer off (my old job would be delighted to come have me work some shifts over summer for extra cash) I think I can comfortably be in my own place and have a huge chunk of my debt paid off by next school year!

I’m also crossing my fingers that a spring break trip I booked to Tulum, Mexico will still be in the cards this year. It’s not until late March and I’m hoping to get the vaccine soon as a teacher (although the governor of Florida has made no attempt to give us any yet) but a 4 day trip shouldn’t break the bank too much. With this new strain of COVID looming though, who knows what travel will look like this year.

I make resolutions/intentions every month on the New Moon, but I still love New Years and all that it represents. So far this year I’ve taken a walk and meditated for 15 minutes every day, but who knows how long I’ll keep it up for. The goal isn’t to do everything every day forever, it’s just to make myself feel and be a little better every day, every time I can remember to do so.

What are you most proud of in 2020? What are you most excited for in 2021?

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